<aside> 💡 Use formulas to dynamically add columns to your source data. Use common Excel & Salesforce formulas such as LEFT, CONCATENATE, and IF


General Formula Rules

To reference a source column in a formula then place the column name in square brackets

<aside> 💡 [Name]


To add a static value e.g. a record type id, place the value in double quotes

<aside> 💡 "0013t00001XJ2dXAAT"


Text Operators


Combine two or more fields by referencing their columns names and adding a + in between them.

<aside> 💡 [Name] + "-" + [Type]


E.g. if the Name value is ‘Sam Hoult’, and the Type value is ‘Prospect’ then the evaluated formula for that record would be “Sam Hoult-Prospect”


Take the left n characters of a field

<aside> 💡 LEFT([Name], 3)


E.g. if the Name value is Benjamin Button, then the evaluated formula for that record would be “Ben”


Take the left n characters of a field